Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

All of the women of this congregation make up the “Women’s Ministry.” Whether we’re seeing to someone’s physical need or spiritual edification, we are for better or worse, a collection of women from diverse cultural, racial, and social backgrounds. We are blessed with differing talents and techniques, and afflicted by differing circumstances and struggles. Yet, here we are. All of us members of a royal priesthood, Daughters of a King, and sisters through Him; working diligently in some capacity, on behalf of, and for ALL of the people of our congregation and community outreach recipients. A network of women representing Christ and this congregation humbly, serving only for God’s glory.

  • If you are serving in a quiet and anonymous way, and would like to keep it that way. God Bless and let us know if you need anything.
  • If you’d like to take part of any of the ministry areas already in place, OR If you would like to discuss ideas for a new ministry or benevolence outreach, call or email the church office.

View the service area descriptions Women’s Ministry Brochure.