As most of you know, MSBC has been temporarily closed due to the fires and smoke in the Willow area. As such, we’ve made the decision to make alternate arrangements for the Youth Retreat this year rather than cancel. We’d like to send a HUGE thank you to Jayden Scott for letting us hang out with him next weekend!! 🙂 Seriously though, we sincerely appreciate the Scott’s and their amazing hearts. Thanks guys. 🙂
A few details for parents and campers…
First, the bus schedule will change a bit. Campers will still need to be at the Anchorage building at 6p and the Valley building at 7p on the 30th like normal to go to camp. This year the bus will depart the Valley church building for the Scott’s house instead of camp. We are expecting to have the teens back at the valley building at 2 PM and at the Anchorage building at 3 PM on the 2nd for pickup.
Second, WE’RE CAMPING OUT!! 🙂 Some sleeping space will be available inside the house and hangar, but we’re asking anyone who’s willing, to bring a tent, a blow up mattress, a warm sleeping bag, and extra blankets. It’ll be in the low 50’s at night, so come prepared so you will stay warm!
Finally, due to the special circumstances and some logistical challenges we anticipate, we’re lovingly and respectfully asking that we not have visitors over the weekend.
Please feel free to call myself or any of the camp leadership with any questions.
We’re looking forward to a spiritually uplifting weekend for our staff and campers. Please pray for our success as we work together to strengthen and build up our youth and their faith at the 2019 Youth Retreat!
Thank You,
Ben Wallingford
Youth Retreat Director