41st Annual Ladies Retreat
20/20 Vision — Looking Upward
April 22-23, 2022
What is this about and what will we do?
It is easy in this life to get distracted and lose focus. From time to time our vision gets blurry or our focus settles in the wrong places. Join us as we work together to improve or spiritual “eyesight”. We will eat, we will fellowship, and we will leave feeling edified and uplifted. You don’t want to miss it!

Who is it for?
All women, high school age and up. Whether your cup needs refilling or if it is overflowing, this retreat is for YOU! This is also a great opportunity to invite friends!
How much is it?
The cost is $10. If the cost will keep you from coming, ask about a scholarship. Someone else has already made an investment in your spiritual walk and wants you there!
Do I need to register?
Registration is certainly helpful to plan on meals and supplies for activities. Please complete the registration form and return it with your $10 to the office at Anchorage Church of Christ, 2700 DeBarr Rd., Anchorage, AK 99508-2978. You may also e-mail it to judy@anccoc.org or hand it to one of the Anchorage church secretaries. As always, registration is also available on-line at anccoc.org for your convenience. If you do register on-line, fax, or e-mail your form, you may pay when you arrive. Although pre-registration is helpful, no one will be turned away at the door so come anyway! If you paid in 2020 when we had to cancel, there is no charge for you this year. If you are not sure – just ask.

What should I bring?
Bring a Bible and a willing spirit. Dress is casual and meals are provided.
Please note: we will not be sleeping at the building this year!
If you need a place to stay for Friday night, mark it on your form and housing will be provided.

When should I be there?
Registration begins at 5 PM Friday afternoon and dinner will be available at 5:30 PM. Saturday morning’s breakfast will begin at 8:00 AM.
One last thing:
Please note this retreat is for high school age and up. Our elders have asked that we set aside this time to focus on our own spiritual walk with God, something much easier done without children. As hard as we may try, our mommy instincts will kick in, and we will be distracted with children in the building. So please, no children.