Join us for a weekend filled with the Word of God, brought to you by Dale Jenkins from the Jenkins Institute.

Dale was born in Hamilton, Alabama and grew up in Birmingham.
In 1982, Dale married Melanie Romine. She is his earthly inspiration. Melanie’s dad is Gerald Romine, who has preached at the Roanoke, AL church 65 years.
Dale and Melanie have two sons: Philip and Andrew. Philip and his wife, Laura, work with the Mount Juliet Church of Christ. They have two children: Lucas and Holley. Andrew and his wife, Kadee, worked with the Woodson Chapel Church of Christ for 10 years. They have three daughters: Mamie Grace, Adi, and Mia.
He served as the minister of the Spring Meadows Church of Christ in Spring Hill, TN for over 15 years. The church began meeting with 40 people and grew in size to more than 550 during his tenure. Since 2022, Dale has worked with his brother, Jeff, in the work of encouraging ministers and congregations through The Jenkins Institute.
Dale has authored and/or edited nearly 100 books and authored hundreds of published articles. He is a staff writer for He served for five years as the editor of 21st Century Christians adult material and writes adult VBS material for Promise Publications and the study books for Maywood Christian Camp.
Dale serves on the boards of Heritage Christian University, Maywood Christian Camp, The Ministry League, The Daily Apologist, and Exposure Youth Event. He also serves on the advisory boards of International Gospel Hour and the President’s Counsel of Freed-Hardeman University. In 2023, Heritage Christian University honored Dale with the inaugural Charles R. Coil Preaching Award.