Midnight Sun Bible Camp takes its own special feel in the wintertime. If you’ve never been to camp at all – it is the most beautiful place in the world, located on Lynx Lake close to Willow. It is 7 miles off the main highway and the only way to get to it in the winter is by snow machines.
In the winter, there are unique opportunities and challenges. There is electricity provided by our generator and there is warmth provided by our wood stoves and propane ovens. However, there is no running water. You can’t take a shower, flush the toilet or do anything that involves running water. We carry all of our water in and use it sparingly (yes, kids do wash before eating).
The main event of the weekend is snowmachining. If you don’t have one of your own, we have some very generous people that allow others to use them with their permission. There is also a great sledding hill that is wonderful to slide down on tubes. The best part is the snowmachiners will give you a ride back to the top so you can do it all over again. Inside, there is ping pong and foosball, as well as a good jigsaw puzzle for everyone to work on if you so desire, and many other games. It’s also a great place to see the Northern Lights when it gets dark.
We also build a huge bonfire right out on the lake. We will worship God on Sunday together.
Who may come, you ask? Everyone is invited! Teens can come without an adult but those aged 6-12 will need to bring your own adult who will be responsible for you.
You must bring your own HEAVY winter gear. If you have a helmet, bring it! If not, one will be provided. Food will also be provided and is always yummy.
Fill out a registration form (Youth or Adult), pay your fee and start getting excited. Paper registration forms are located on the church building in the foyer. Any other questions, don’t hesitate to call the church office at 907-272-7584 or contact the Retreat Director, Scott Masten.
The Retreat Director, while under the authority of the Eldership of the Anchorage church of Christ, is, during the retreat, the final authority on all matters pertaining to policy and rules. He will be responsible for determining whether an attendee is returned home due to illness, safety infractions, or failure to obey camp rules. Please see Winter Retreat Camp Rules for more information.