If the Shoe Fits…
March 1-2, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Toni McAdams
What is this about and what will we do?
It is easy in this life to get distracted and lose focus. We want to take this time to focus on growing closer to God and each other. We will join together to eat, fellowship and study God’s Word. Dress is casual; meals and snacks will be provided.

Who is it for?
It is for YOU! All women, high school age and up, are welcome. This is a time to be with our Christian sisters for fellowship and spiritual nourishment without the distraction of young children. We encourage you to invite your friends to join us.
How much is it?
The cost is $10 and scholarships are available. On the registration form, please check the scholarship line if needed.
Do I need to register?
YES! Pre-registering will assure that you will get a packet and goody bag. It will also help the cooks know how much food to prepare! You can register by giving your completed form and $10 (cash or check made out to Anchorage church of Christ) to one of the secretaries or by logging onto our website anccoc.org (the registration fee can be paid at the door). While pre-registration is VERY helpful, you may also register and pay at the door.
What should I bring?
A Bible and a happy spirit.

When should I be there?
Registration begins at 5 PM Friday afternoon and dinner will be available at 5:30 PM. Saturday morning’s breakfast will begin at 8:00 AM.