Posts from September 2007

The Value of Each Plant

Every individual is important to the Lord! That means that YOU are important to God! When Jesus was teaching the parable of the “Wheat and Weeds,” the landowner’s servants asked if they should pull up the weeds. The owner told them, “No, because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them.” God values each plant! He does not want anything to disturb the growth of wheat! God does not miss or overlook anything: “…your…

The Thief on the Cross…He Understood!

John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, (also known as John the Baptist), prepared the way for the Lord. He preached, “…Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:2). Jesus, himself, preached the same message, “…Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matt. 4:17). Here are a few verses that teach about the kingdom: “…his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:33). “…seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). “…it is hard for a rich…