For all practical purposes, this weekend marks the end of summer for MSBC. If you have been to Family Camp, you know what a relaxing and fun time it is. You’ll have opportunities for communing with nature on the lake, fishing or canoeing, having spiritual discussions or engaging in quiet conversation, and doing it all in the peace and serenity of Midnight Sun Bible Camp on Lynx Lake. Why not plan to be a part of this great event this […]
The 2015 Youth Retreat is open for all youth entering grades 7-12. Everyone must fill out a registration form. Registration forms must be completed and submitted to the Anchorage church office by Monday, September 7, 2015.
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Agenda for this weekend: TBD
Book online or Download Registration Form and Rules 2017 ALL RETREAT-CAMP SESSION Registration with Rules [titled_box title=”Payments”] [blockquote] I’m confused! How does payments work? There are two ticket options below and I don’t know which one to choose. [/blockquote] The cost for Family Camp is $25 per person with a maximum charge of $80. See the table below to figure out which ticket to select. [fancy_table] How Many are Coming? Your Cost Choose Ticket Enter Quantity Just myself $25 Family Camp […]
Agenda for this weekend: Finalize camp in preparation for Primary Week.