Learn to make your marriage a priority, gain the tools to transform every aspect of your marriage and replace old habits with new, good ones.

Hosted by Scott & Stephanie Masten The van will leave immediately after evening service and return to the building around 9:30 pm. Dinner is provided.

Plan now to be part of this year’s event. We ask you to join with the members of the committee in praying for the success of this retreat and we encourage you to invite your sisters and friends.

A weekend of worship and fun for students in grades 7-12. Tickets are on sale now through March 26th. Event T-shirts (sizes S-2XL) will be offered to everyone that registers on or before April 5. Don’t wait; register today!

There will be a Ladies’ Retreat meeting for any women that would like to help plan the 2016 Ladies’ Retreat. The meeting will be today, Sunday, Dec 6 at 4:00 pm in the Jr. High room. Mark your calendars for February 19-20, 2016 to share in fellowship with your sisters.

37th Annual Ladies Retreat Awakening Our Senses We are thrilled to have Linda Hogans as our 2016 retreat speaker. Sister Hogans has been a member of the Lord’s church since August 30, 1979. Since that time she has devoted her life to serving in the Lord’s vineyard in many capacities. Linda has taught ladies’ Bible classes, high school girls’ class, assisted in the new converts’ class, supports the door knocking campaigns and conducts home Bible studies. She received her Ph.D. in […]

On Thursday evening, there will be a Teachers Workshop with Greg & Peggy Tidwell. Greg and Peggy will speak separately to men and women teachers or those that have a desire to teach for the first hour. Following that, everyone will come together and Greg will answer questions from the collective group. On Friday, everyone will have the opportunity to look over the material they have brought and to speak privately with Greg or Peggy. [divider_padding] [one_half] [image_frame style=”framed_shadow”][/image_frame] [/one_half] […]

HE KNOWS MY NAME [blockquote] The devil knows your name but calls you by your sin. God knows your sin but calls you by your name. [/blockquote] When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see your potential? Do you see strength, determination and a willing spirit? Or do you see your faults? Do you see all the negative things people point out? YOU MATTER Did you know that you matter? Did you know that you’re […]

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain – Philippians 1:21 (NASB)